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Visiting Day 2020 – Camp Knotgonnahappen

  Camp loving parents who subscribe to the 10-4-2 theory believing Visiting Day might be the best day of the entire year as they await with great anticipation the mad dash to squeeze their babies can finally chant, hip hip hooray because the day has finally arrived! Packed up and ready to go with overflowing … Continued

The Unpolished Visiting Day

JUST TO LET YOU KNOW….. While there are some parents who still subscribe to the theory of trampling over others in an effort to be the first to snatch up their children on Visiting Day and smother them with hugs, kisses and enough candy to put the entire camp into a diabetic coma, it is not … Continued


Just To Let You Know…. I haven’t forgotten about you guys. I know it may seem as if I have but please understand that’s not the case. It’s just, well, I’ve been busy being busy with stuff.   FASHION STUFF This morning FashionScoop The Boutique announced the new color and cause of the Lokai bracelets. … Continued


So we were having dinner with close friends who were expecting their first child.  All was right in the world as we ordered our drinks and threw in a request for Houston’s famous spinach and artichoke dip.  We raised up three alcoholic beverages and one glass of water as we toasted to the future baby on … Continued

Postpartum Retrospection

According to social media, about a third of my Facebook friends will be seeing their kids this weekend for Camp Visiting Day.  According to social media, about a third of my Facebook friends have kids who are either still too young or who are now too old to be seeing their kids this weekend for … Continued

The Camp Shtick… Here We Go Again

Yup, here we go again.  ‘Tis the season for my new and improved unpolished camp shtick about the packing of the trunks and all the crap that I gotta do to get prepared for the big send-off. What?  You forgot about the original camp shtick blogs from last year?  Well have no fear, allow me … Continued