JUST TO LET YOU KNOW… I only know what I know and this time I really DON’T KNOW! I’m unpolishedly stumped. Is it three or four? What do you think?
JUST TO LET YOU KNOW… I only know what I know and this time I really DON’T KNOW! I’m unpolishedly stumped. Is it three or four? What do you think?
Merry Xmas! Now that we’ve got that out of the way, do you remember the show Mr. Ed, the talking horse? “A Horse Is A Horse, Of Course, Of Course, And No One Can Talk To A Horse Of Course That Is, Of Course, Unless The Horse Is The Famous Mr. Ed.” Last night … Continued
I don’t know a lot about Astrology but I do know that some of my personality traits must have a thing or two to do with my sign. Virgos by definition, are often known to be analyzers who think things through. Being an analyzer is one thing, but I might be one of those people … Continued