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Ho, Ho, Ho… The Unpolished Gifts You Need To Know

If you have $13,532.00 you could buy all seventy-two items on the 2014 Gift List of Oprah’s Favorite Things.  If you’re questioning how I came up with that dollar amount, the answer is: YUP I clicked on every single item and added it up! I don’t know about you but I’m wayyyyy too unpolished to … Continued

While Everyone Is Talking About Gwyneth…

It seems I can’t turn on the computer without reading another snarky albeit funny blog post about the Paltrow/Martin “conscious uncoupling” split that hit the news earlier this week. I won’t bore you with my own drawn out based-on-nothing-but-what-I-read-in-the-tabloids opinion on the matter, but I will say I think everyone should leave the chick alone!  Just … Continued