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Dear Quarantine Diary

Dear Quarantine Diary; Can you believe it? Another week down. I don’t know what day it is and frankly I’m not sure why it even matters. We’re still home because the Coronavirus is still beating us and by beating us I mean it’s still killing people. We don’t have a vaccine yet and as far … Continued

Unpolished Turducken

JUST TO LET YOU KNOW… Turducken is a dish which consists of a chicken stuffed into a duck stuffed into a turkey all cooked at once and served together to be eaten in one bite. In unpolished words, it’s a mouthful of three birds which have absolutely nothing to do with each other. That said, … Continued

The Comeback Blog…There Ain’t No Shame In My Game

“A” my name is Alice and my husband’s name is Albert. We live in Alabama and we sell Apples. “B” my name is Bonnie and my husband’s name is Barry. We live in Bermuda we sell Bananas. “C” my name is Cindy and my husband’s name is Charlie. We live in Colorado and we sell … Continued