Wow! Time flies when you’re having fun. Seems like just yesterday I had no idea what I was getting into when I gave birth to this site. I had no clue if my expectations would be met, let alone if they were even realistic. It would be anyone’s guess if the random thoughts on my mind would translate the same way if I turned them into complete sentences on my computer and then launched them into the universe. I really didn’t know if my blogs would be well received, or received at all. That was one year ago….

When my children were born, I was overwhelmed by the dozens and dozens of beautiful gifts that my husband and I got from family and friends; Some were so special that I’m pretty sure I will keep them forever.
When Silver Unpolished was born, I got a gift that not only was unexpected but it was probably the nicest gift I’ve ever gotten. It wasn’t flashy; It wasn’t expensive; I bet no one else would even want it. It was the simplest of gifts, yet it was (and still is) the most meaningful and thoughtful gift anyone has ever given to me.
A dear friend gave me a paper bag. In that paper bag sat three rocks. There was also a note enclosed. When I read the note, I cried. After I wiped away my tears, I found a significant spot in my home where I knew I’d be certain to look at every single day and that’s where I placed the rocks. They haven’t moved since.

Each morning, whether I wake up feeling great or feeling like a cranky bitch, I stop and look at the rocks. In doing so, I’m reminded that if I dream, my brain will continue to expand; If I believe, it will reinforce that I can do anything I set my mind to; And if I laugh…. well, I’d be lost without the laughter, so obviously when I laugh it helps to make believing in what sometimes can seem like the most impossible of dreams a bit more possible. The value of those rocks can not be measured with a price tag. To me, the value of those rocks is priceless. Not only do they represent my gratefulness for what I’ve already accomplished, but they represent the hope for all the things I have yet to achieve. The sky is the limit when you dream, believe and laugh. Without a doubt, I’ll have those rocks forever.
The blog has become a space where I can write freely, expressing myself how I see fit. Over the past twelve months I’ve shared stories about my childhood, young adulthood, motherhood, marriage, friends, food and hobbies. I’ve opened up about my passions and fears, my misfortunes, and my highest and lowest moments. I’m told some of my posts have made you cry and others have made you laugh. Rest assured in writing these blogs, I too have laughed and cried right along with you. I’ve also managed to piss off enough readers that when my lawyer sees my name pop up on his Caller ID he answers the phone sighing and then says, “Jesus Christ! What the fuck did you do now?”
I’ve tried to remain pretty even though I can’t deny that most of the time it’s the grittiness of life that fascinates me. The support I’ve gotten from all of you, my unpolished friends, is what motivates me to find new, creative, and witty ways to tell my tales.
At merely one year old, Silver Unpolished may have grown out of the infancy stages of development but there’s still a ton of new steps ahead. However, before moving on to our second year, how about helping me celebrate this tremendous first one?

There’s no way in hell I could let this birthday come and go without a party! Of course you’re invited. It wouldn’t be any fun otherwise!

I’m crazy superstitious so I can’t tell you my wish because then it won’t come true.

But don’t worry, I’m throwing in a little somethin’ somethin’ for my unpolished friends. You see, I’m completely aware that without you, none of this would be possible. I don’t take any of your positive feedback or even the constructive criticism for granted. I appreciate it more than words can say. Without giving it away, I’m making a wish and wishing big. REALLLYYY BIG. Huge actually, because no matter how unpolished I may be, I am consistent. My very first blog post was titled, GO BIG or GO HOME so as far as I’m concerned it’s not optional…. I GOTTA GO BIG! And not for nothing but on a side note, who in their right mind would ever go home before eating the cake?

Here comes the best part of the whole party! It would only makes sense to finish this right and celebrate in the same manner that any real one-year-old baby would.
So in the true unpolished spirit of keepin’ it real…. I’m gonna strip down, tie my hair back and let everyone watch while I love every single minute of eating cake with my bare hands and getting filthy in the process! For fuck’s sake, why not? Silver Unpolished only gets to be ONE once! Happy 1st Birthday, Silver Unpolished. Here’s to many more!
JUST TO LET YOU KNOW…. I’m more than happy to share, so if you want a piece you gotta speak up and let me know. Act fast… ‘cuz I’m liable to eat the whole damn cake!

Happy One Year Birthday!!!
Happy 1 year Silver Unpolished!!
I want a piece of cake!
So happy for you cuz!!! Love the pics also!!
Rach!! I am so proud of you. I remember when you told me about your idea and you had no idea what it would become. A year later I look forward to reading each and every entry. You are always truthful to yourself and I love reading about it. Heres to many years of blogging!!!!!!
Congratz! Dedication and hard work is paying off.
Love the blog.
Happy 1st Birthday! I love every post. You make me laugh, cry and think. You are terrific. Congrats and can’t wait to read what’s in store for year 2. Xo
Terrific!! Happy I was invited!!
Congrats!!! I want a piece
Your amazing! Happy 1st birthday! Many many many more! Love the blog and love YOU!
Happy, happy, and keep blogging. How much of that cake did you really eat? Dad
Happy 1st year to my most favorite blog ever! You are so super talented and I love reading each and every one. Can’t wait for what’s ahead!!!!! xoxoxo love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Good stuff Rach. Keep on realizing ur potential.
Thanks very useful. Will share site with my friends