I love watching the show, Inside The Actors Studio. One reason is because I learn about the backgrounds of critically acclaimed mega stars. Throughout the entire duration of each interview, these actors allow me to get to know them as real people, not as the character(s) they play on the big screen, or on television or Broadway. I appreciate their honesty and willingness to be vulnerable.
I also love it because James Lipton, the creator, executive producer, writer and host of the show puts me in a trance. Listening to him conduct the interview can be therapeutic! Too bad he doesn’t teach yoga, cuz his slow and soothing voice would practically send anyone into a catatonic, Savasana coma! I bet if he ever tried, he would have the best sounding OMMMM!
Here’s the list of the ten trademark questions he asks all of his guests at the end of each interview:
What is your favorite word?
What is your least favorite word?
What turns you on?
What turns you off?
What sound or noise do you love?
What sound or noise do you hate?
What is your favorite curse word?
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
What profession would you not like to do?
If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?
I always think about how I would answer the questions if asked. More times than not my replies vary depending on the day or my mood. The only response that remains the same is the answer to Question #7:
My favorite curse word often comes in handy because it’s sooooooooo versatile. Plus, no matter in what context I say the word, it always makes me feel better afterwards!
Take a look at this short clip that was sent to me yesterday by my Aunt and then again, ten minutes later by my Mom. It’s awesome when family members are on the same page, and even more awesome when it’s about something as unpolished as knowing I’d get a big kick out of seeing a 4 minute 28 second video solely about a curse word!
JUST TO LET YOU KNOW… After watching the video it has occurred to me that not only is this word my favorite curse word, but I think it’s also my favorite word in general, which means I can now answer James Lipton’s Question #1. So, I’m kinda curious… Are any of my unpolished friends on the same page too? I wanna know! Tell me, what’s your favorite curse word?
funny huh?? Glad u liked it! Me too….