If you haven’t already noticed, Silver Unpolished has undergone a mini makeover. Yup, we’re cleaning up our act folks… but not to worry, I WOOD not want you to think that means I’m cleaning up in the G-rated sense of the word; It’s more like I’m just mixing up the look of things!

In celebration of our online facelift, I want you all you to feel as fresh and sharp as the brand new logos look so I’m offering the first:
You’ll have a chance at a shot to win a $100.00 gift card to Amazon! If you’re selected by random drawing, go ahead and buy yourself something pretty, witty or gritty on my dime.
Actually, on my one thousand dimes!
IT’S UNPOLISHEDLY EASY! All you have to do to enter is click on the highlighted link below and follow a few simple steps.
Then leave a comment in the GOT THOUGHTS section of the blog and tell me what you think about the unpolished new designs. Do you love it? Do you hate it? Did you have to put your glasses on to even notice it?

Or……………… Were you completely unaware of the makeover because you’ve been without Internet while living under a brick?

I wanna hear your thoughts and read your comments!
silver, i like seeing pics of your cool ass self more than blocks of wood. just sayin’
Word. Love the constructive crit. And… that you love my cool ass. just sayin. HA
Love the grittier look! Xoxo
Got Wood?
I’m new here, so I can’t make a comparison but I can say that I absolutely love your header!
Thank you Brooke! Glad to have you join the unpolishedness!
I love the new look. I will tweet about you. I hope that I win!
@japolina… Thanks! Good luck in the contest. The more you tweet, the greater the chances!
I like the logo much better. The new one looks like it originated in Henryville. Get my drift? Dad
@Dad, I actually do not get your drift, but it’s okay. I appreciate your honesty even if you don’t like the new look. Now that I’ve gotten that out of way, can I borrow a hundred bucks? I need it to pay the winner of my contest!
very cool just like you….Keep surprising me with your witty gritty comments from Ms. pretty
I prefer the bricks more than your cool ass self but that’s b/c I love the bricks — still seems the same to me as the main picture is unchanged, right? Love the banter with your Dad – can we get to be a monthly feature? Did he pay the 100?
@rbb, my Mother always taught me that when you have “work done” it’s supposed to be subtle enough that people think you look great without really knowing for sure what, (if anything) you’ve had done! And I’m still waiting for the C-note from my Dad!
I am also new here, so I couldn’t give an opinion on comparison. But, I love the bright, bold colors and your blog header is great!
@kelly Thanks! Happy to have you on board the unpolished train!
Well I am sure Dad already paid for any “work” done so maybe you gotta scrape the 100 out of your own pocket… 🙂
@rbb my pockets are empty. U got a spare 100 I can borrow?
Love the website! shared and shared!
I’m a newbie so I can’t answer the question but I love the way your site looks!
A flannel, cigar, and what I can only assume is an alcoholic drink of sorts. Sheer perfection.
your new look is fab!
@Trina- So glad to see your name as a new subscriber to the blog!
I hated your new look until I realized I hadn’t seen the old one and had no basis for comparison. Then I remembered to put on my reading glasses and “Wow! Not bad!” (The heels kinda scare me though.)
@Billjude56 don’t be scared… My bark is bigger than my bite!
New here! 🙂 looking forward to your posts!
@Maria, looking forward to your reading them! Be sure to sign up for email notifications for all new entries on my homepage.
I love silver unpolished; )
Thanks so much!
I am new here! I can tell you have a great personality and style!
Your new look is fab! I love it!
i love the new look its awesome
I’m new here and found you via your contest. Congrats on your makeover.
Love the new look and the shoes.
your new look is fab 😉
thanks for the giveaway
I love it!
I’m new here. Your site looks nice 🙂
Love it and love you. Your so damn clever! You go girl!!!!!
i am new here is your name silver? p.s your hot
Your new look is fab! =)
your new look is nice
I love silver unpolished.
I am a new follower also! I can say it looks awesome and love it!! Thank you!!
your look is fab :). i love the boldness of your header photo!
The shoes in the main pic…..wow! Love them!
*stretch* *yawn* *crawls out from under brick* Your new look is fab! 😀
LOVE LOVE LOVEEEE the logo!! Thanks!
I am new here, but it looks good to me!
Love the Shabby Chic look! So modern and very impressive!
I love the name Silver Unpolished, and the design of the logo! And the picture at the very top is pretty awesome! FAB!
i am loving the new look.
A total fiere chic! a flannel and heels you need to say no more!
This is my first time here but your site looks fantastic to me! 🙂
Like this site. Very nice
LOVE LOVE LOVE the look!! You definitely do look FAB!! YOU GO GIRL!!
I am new here but things look good to me. Got snoop around so more, though.
New to the site. Your new look is fab! I love it.
I’m new here but the like the looks of your blog.
Love the look ! Thank you so much for the great giveaway !
I really like your new design, thanks for asking.
Love the new look.
I really love this ! its amazing , thanks !
Your new look is great. I love it!
I’m loving the new look..it’s fabulous
I like the look. Love the header image.
I like the design
I love ur new look! 😉 so but seriously I really like it..
Hi first time here. I like the Header pic and I like the vertical glasses logo. The contrast of the red black and white seems more eye catching than the wood or brick were the logo gets lost.
I love the new look!
Yes I do love the new look! Awesome!
love the new design!!!
Your new look is fab.
Your new look is fab! Thanks 🙂
I’m new here, but love the look!
Love love love it.
I am new here, but I think I’ll be a frequent visitor. Not only does the site look great, I’m loving your sense of humor!
Your new look is fab!
Awesome site and giveaway!
Your new look is fab!
thanks for the giveaway
Your new look is fab!
I love the new look of your blog!
Your look is Fab! You go girl!
New Look is so fabulous!
i love the new look, very cool blog!
thanks! 🙂
Interesting blog…even more interesting your Dad commented on it. 🙂
I love the new look.
I love the edgier look
looks AWESOME! All entered. Thanks for the chance 🙂
Love the new look!
Love the new look!! 🙂
Those shoes are KICK #@$#$%%!!!
I love it 😀
No…Your new look is fab!
I like the new look & the shoes are to die for
I really like your new look.
I love your new look!
The new look is awesome!
You look absolutely sweet and gorgeous too.I love this oh so fabulous look with a passion!! <3
Great new look! Can’t wait to see what’s next.
Your new look is fab! I actually just started following you, but I like the look of your blog. Silver is my last name, so I’ve a little jealous I didn’t think of your clever blog name first 😉
I especially like the logo against the wood background.
I love your new look, dahling. 😉
Snazzy new look!
Hi there. Did you choose/confirm a winner for this?
@Paula V- Yes! We got our winner, randomly selected via rafflecopter. She’s received her AMAZON Gift Card for $100.00
There will def be more giveaways to come in the near future!
Okay, thanks. The RC didn’t display the winner. Thanks for letting me know.