As you know, I love to laugh. I LOVE IT! A lot of the time I laugh under my breath about things that other people might not necessarily find funny. However when I find myself repeatedly laughing out loud, that’s when I know it’s funny enough to be blogworthy.
You also know I love TV; I LOVE IT! So when I find something on TV that makes me repeatedly laugh out loud, that’s when I know it’s doubly blogworthy!
Grace and Frankie, an original Netflix series which first premiered May 8, 2015 has kept me laughing out loud during the recent weeks of my Summer of Silver.
My Mom originally told me about the show and how funny it was; but then she told me I might not find it relatable. I’m assuming what she meant was the series is about people in their seventies who get thrown a major curveball so maybe it’s geared more toward the Baby Boomer viewers rather than my own generation.

I’m here to tell you it doesn’t matter when you were born or what generation you identify with most. If you have even the slightest iota of a sense of humor and you like to laugh out loud in increments of twenty-eight minutes, you will find this show unpolishedly hilarious!
Grace and Frankie played by Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin star in this clever comedy along with Martin Sheen and Sam Waterston who play their respective spouses. I might be boxing myself into my own generational hole but once you move past only thinking of Jane Fonda as her character from “9 to 5” and Lily Tomlin as The Incredible Shrinking Woman and Martin Sheen from his six -time Emmy nominated performance in The West Wing and Sam Waterston in his starring role on Law & Order, you will most definitely be on your way to laughing your unpolished asses off.

I have the highest level of confidence in my unpolished readers that you will appreciate the comedic timing and the raw humor so much so that I don’t even find the need to give away too much more of the plot.
Please trust me when I tell you to set up that Netflix account ASAP and get your laugh on with Season One of Grace and Frankie!
JUST TO LET YOU KNOW… The good news is it won’t take long to catch up on Season One. There are only 13 half-hour episodes. The better news is I’m happy to report confirmation that Season Two has been renewed by Netflix and will debut in 2016.
Yup! Awesome show!