Last night I came home to find a kitchen full of testosterone. Six males sat around the table with notebooks and MacBooks; notepads and iPads. Pencils and pens were scattered everywhere. There were clusters of papers with lists and lists of picks and what-ifs! There were various iPhones on speakerphone with all the volumes blasted high! There was some serious business going down!
I knew it wasn’t homework time. And two-thirds of the boys weren’t old enough for Miller Time. So that meant only one thing…. It was Fantasy Football Draft Time!
Yup. Wake up folks!
This Ain’t No Dream
I Hope You Chose A Winning Team
Football Season Is REAL & It’s Back
How’s Your LIne-Up? Is It Stacked?
While being the sole sistah in a house full of brothas doesn’t come without challenges, I find the competitive toll football season takes on all of us to be both healthy and unpolishedly welcomed!
Hey ladies, if you can’t beat ’em you might as well join ’em!
For the time being, I put “Basketball Mom” on the bench so I can take over my rightful position as First String “Football Mom.” If staying on top of the NFL Fantasy stats isn’t enough of a nine-to-five job, there’s always our Flag Football league to keep me on my toes! Who knew Pop Warner would completely take over my life? I sure as hell didn’t. In my unpolished opinion, flag football is a bigger commitment than some marriages!
It seems we’re out on that field every damn day. I’ve even considered having my mail delivered directly to the fifty yard line. It’s buggy out there. It’s hot. The concession stand needs some work. It also needs to offer something better in the beverages department if you know what I mean!
But…. I made a promise. I gotta keep my word. My little guy loves football and I love my little guy so I’m unpolishedly suiting up for the season and playing Football Mom. I’m out there watching. And sweating. And having fun embarrassing cheering him on.

I’m out there practicing with the kids and pretending to be the relief quarterback.
I’m not sure how many other QB’s give tickles when their wide receiver completes a pass but that’s how I run my squad! I know they love it; even if they’ll never admit it!

Rest assured, at the end of the game whether we win or lose, I’ll still be the crazy, old lady whose wildly and inappropriately dressed, utterly embarrassing my boys while unpolishedly yelling, “TOUCHDOWN!”

Some May Think Of NFL Fantasy As Merely A Dream
Though In My House It’s Real; So It Would Seem!
Trades On The Team Are Bound To Take Place
So Have Your Back Up Players Just In Case!
Learn The Stats ‘Cuz Every Point Counts
It’s Exciting As The Pressure Mounts!
Week In & Week Out… No Two Are The Same
That’s The Unpolished Magic Of The Football Game!
Just To Let You Know Something Else…. Our local flag football league is well underway, but the NFL official season kicks off on September 10, 2015. Wanna get in the REDZONE? Click HERE for the latest 2015 KICKOFF Info. Need more? Catch up on all the REAL Fantasy news by CLICKING HERE! So, are you ready for some football????????
Had a draft last night at my house too! The boys are ready!
Enough about the draft… you look FABULOUS!!
Wait until each boy decides to belong to multiple fantasy football teams…here’s to a winning season on and off the field!
Thank g-d Noah ain’t inta the football…yet.
Your too much! Love u