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Feeling Good

JUST TO LET YOU KNOW…. I don’t write about politics so I’m certainly not gonna start now. That said, I could not let today go by without expressing my overwhelming emotions of joy and hope and promise. I’m Feeling Good as today is in fact ‘a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new … Continued

Champagne Wishes And TEQUILA Dreams

JUST TO LET YOU KNOW…..  Dreaming can be a double-edged sword. It feels so good to sleep heavily and fall into La-La Land; especially when it’s the really good dreams you remember vividly the next morning; the ones where we champagne wish ourselves back to sleep to literally keep the dream alive. And then there’s … Continued

The Unpolished Visiting Day

JUST TO LET YOU KNOW….. While there are some parents who still subscribe to the theory of trampling over others in an effort to be the first to snatch up their children on Visiting Day and smother them with hugs, kisses and enough candy to put the entire camp into a diabetic coma, it is not … Continued

I Ride. You Ride. We All Ride With miRide

JUST TO LET YOU KNOW… Rarely do I write about people, places or things I can’t incorporate around a snarky, unpolished story. However, when I come across something worthy of sharing with my readers I don’t hold back.  Today’s blog is one of those times. While we are now in the height of ’tis-ing the … Continued

Playing Up

JUST TO LET YOU KNOW…. In an effort to enrich my soul and feed my brain with new and improved knowledge I attempt to make a conscious effort to surround myself around people who know more than I. I like to play up so I can learn more even if it means I’m the one in … Continued

Chris Salgardo, President of Kiehl's Since 1851 Is MANMADE

Last night I went to the grand opening of the KIEHL’S Since 1851 store located in Town Center. This New York based company has finally opened their doors to those of us living in Boca Raton, Florida. How lucky are we?  ‘Kiehl’s Since 1851, the venerable New York-based purveyor of fine quality skin and hair care … Continued

A Poet On A Plane With A BonaFide Spirit

For me, one of the perks of traveling alone is being able to check out on others and tune into myself. However, on a solo trip to New York I sat next to the most dynamic young women who ignited my spirit and inspired me to tune inward even more! Stephanie Catalano was already sitting … Continued