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JUST TO LET YOU KNOW…. My friend Melissa was kind enough to share this purely unpolished prize with me after she stumbled upon it amongst her daughter’s school papers. Michela, age 6, had been learning about the five senses in class.  Her picture below speaks for itself and I’m pretty sure it needs no further … Continued


  JUST TO LET YOU KNOW… Today after yoga, I looked at my text messages and found this gem waiting for me. One of my unpolished friends snapped the shot in a local parking lot right here in South Florida and send it to me knowing I’d find it unpolishedly funny! Sometimes a picture says … Continued

What's Grosser Than Gross?

I’m sure you remember that game we used to play as kids, What’s Grosser Than Gross? If you don’t, maybe this will jog your memory: What’s Grosser Than Gross?  Sliding down a razor blade and falling into a pool of alcohol. What’s Grosser Than Gross?  Eating a greasy pork sandwich served in a dirty ashtray. … Continued


My mind is constantly spinning in circles.  Around and around and around.  It spins all over the place that often my thoughts overlap and collide into one another. Allow me to explain by example: 1. Unpolished Peeps Don’t Get Much Sleep I’m a self-proclaimed vampire who loves staying up late into the wee hours of … Continued


I love watching the show, Inside The Actors Studio.   One reason is because I learn about the backgrounds of critically acclaimed mega stars.   Throughout the entire duration of each interview, these actors allow me to get to know them as real people, not as the character(s) they play on the big screen, or … Continued

That's Funny… And I Don't Even Like Cats

JUST TO LET YOU KNOW… I saw this and laughed. Then said, “That’s Funny… And I Don’t Even Like Cats.” I hope it makes you laugh too. Wishing you all a great, unpolished day! That is all. Thanks Elissa Z.  You know how much I appreciate your humor!      

A Picture Says A Thousand Words Or In This Case ONE!

I saw a clever picture today that made me laugh.  It’s so simple yet it leaves so much room for interpretation.  The unpolished humor is witty and gritty so it makes logical sense that I’d add it to the THAT’S FUNNY section of the blog. Have at it: When I first saw the picture, obviously I … Continued

It's An Unpolished Job, But Someone's Gotta Do It!

On a good day, motherhood is still a love/hate, best/worst kind of job.  It’s for women who once considered themselves to be fairly normal individuals (pre-motherhood, duh) but now have realized that they’ve slowly become certifiably insane for having kids. It truly is an unpolished job, but someone’s gotta do it!  For those of you … Continued